Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Sweet Neil!

Good golly I wish I had a generously rich friend that wanted to buy me tickets to V-Fest. I'd probably even hit up this friend to purchase flight tickets so that if there were others in different provinces could join the festivities.
There are various bands either I am interested in seeing or at least I know of others that have expressed interest in their music. Such bands that are playing are:

  • flaming lips
  • massive attack
  • raconteurs
  • sam roberts
  • hidden cameras

And the list goes on and on. There are so many playing.


I believe that being "held captive" had weakened my ability to control my emotions. That and rummaging through mouse turds and fiberglass. So naturally, when I was driving yesterday back to O-Town, on a trip that usually should take 6 hours but was extended by severe thunderstorms, a "check engine" light appearing on dashboard, and my continual need to pee, I finally reached my breaking point. And as I try to write about it I realize I cannot. Apparently I still am not able to control my emotions and just as the experience yesterday caused me to snivel and cry uncontrollably, I find trying to conjure up the images brings forth the tears. Just to give you an idea, the scenario involved an unfortunate creature that had just been hit by a vehicle, yet was alive and suffering.

1 comment:

elegant elliott said...

You are back! Yea! Mouse turds and fibreglass and sheep's heads can make one emotional. I have also seen an unfortuante not-yet-roadkill that will haunt me forever. With the passing time, the creature now lifts it's head to call my name. Things die, cars kill them.
Do you have a rich friend?