Tuesday, April 17, 2007

To me it's still Monday

I'm up way too early for my liking. The reason - I ate yogurt and it has made me ill. How can yogurt give sometime indigestion? Or am I just falling apart due to age and infrequent use (yea, I'm lazy...)?
*Vanity blather *- I decided that after a year, I should get my hair cut. And the hairdresser really was a person. Extremely patient - even though I had brushed my hair for about a hair hour prior to leaving my apartment it took her close to 10 minutes just to comb through some conditioner. You know your hair is dead, tangly, gross and dry when. Unfortunately, the hairstyle I ultimately wanted would have involved a daily ritual of blow drying and styling (damn you curly*wavy hair) so she opted for another style. It's nice, but it's just not me. I've been layered. Although it's an entirely different colour now - and natural- which is interesting.

Exam progress: I have my first exam this coming Wednesday. And because I couldn't find my textbook until today, I would rather not predict the outcome. It's National Criticism though, how hard can that be? Our (insert country's name here) shit does stink. There you go.

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