Saturday, August 04, 2007

I Am That Bitch

Today I transformed into that nasty customer. But to take full responsibility would be greatly inappropriate. It was a combination of circumstances and a novel I've just finished reading [the characters encountered unpleasant customer service]. I was purchasing a bookcase and the one I wanted did not seem to be available. Not wanting to waste a trip, I decided to purchase the smaller one, realizing that either way I could use it or return it. When I removed the bookcase from the shelf, another from behind came tumbling down and hit me. Granted, this is funny, but only because I am squishy.
At the cash register I told the cashier that perhaps they should reconsider how they stock the shelves, especially heavier items above a particular level. Her non-committal attitude infuriated me, prompting me to sneer, "I am okay, thank you for asking".
Really it wasn't a big deal for me. But again, had it been someone else, it could have cause injury and that sucks. Plus I don't want any stupid lawsuits effecting the price of the products at this store.
If only I could shake the slight guilt I have for being snippy with the cashier.

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