Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Older Generation Always Slagging the Following Generation

I am about to fall into the trap of passing judgement onto the generation that proceeds mine. But I think it's inevitable. One generation always voices concern (possibly even disdain) of the following, younger generation. With what seems like innocence lost at much earlier ages, I believe I have found what was our (my generation's) saving grace:

That's right. The Mini*Pops. Taking the idea of what kids naturally do - imitate singers as they sing along in their bedrooms - and turning it into records. What was so great about this is that the kids were just that- kids. The ages ranged from eight to twelve, therefore they were easily identified with. Conversely, critics accused the producers of The Mini*Pops of child exploitation, claiming the kids wore too much make-up and were singing songs not appropriate for such an age (ie. Rolling Stone's "Satisfaction", The Vapors' "Turning Japanese"). Truthfully my innocence allowed me to be ignorant to any explicit sexual references, and I simply enjoyed dancing to the music as the records played on my sister's record player.

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