Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Right then. I will attempt to recite my dream as best as I can recall. Mind, some details are sketchy, possibly I wasn't paying attention at the time? Anywhore. My dream had a sort of hospital "ER" vibe about it. I think it started with this guy dying and there was speculation that within a few days they'd be able to reattach his brain (American Dad?). So my dream is centered around this one particular doctor who bears a striking similarity to Mark Greene from ER (what can I say, Revenge of the Nerds is a classic) and trying to hide this particular corpse so he can later attempt his reanimation experiment. This I'm thinking stems from my underlying fear that one day the dead will be reanimated and zombies will be the latest 'terrorist' attack. Actually, it's not a very exciting dream come to think of it. Trying to stuff the body in the staff's lunch room freezer, and dressing the body up like Mark Greene and placing him under covers in his cot. A sudden medical emergency calls all doctors away, but for some reason Greene just has one more thing to secure things so that Corpse isn't taken away. Actually, this seemed far more riveting in my head. My apologies. Let's just say it ends with me actually doing some quick thinking (obviously a dream). When asked why he doesn't have his scrubs on (after dressing Corpse in them) I brilliantly answer by stating I threw up on him and proceed to throw up again. So I guess that's my contribution to the medical community - vomiting on demand.
good times.

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