Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Do you hear that? That's the sound of self-pity.

How can I put this eloquently? Everything right now sucks ass. Someone has reduced me to paranoid stalker material. Mall air has invaded my space thereby preventing me from keeping the job. And I was unaware until now - past the deadline incidentally - that I am to re-apply for school. If I had known about this reapplication process, I would've asked the right questions a few months ago when I was speaking with someone from the school. But I didn't ask the right questions, therefore I was not made aware that such a process was necessary. All that was said to me was applying as a special student for summer courses could interfere with my standing come September. Damn. Why couldn't I decipher that to know it meant, "You must reapply dumbass"

On a lighter note, I was able to watch a deer casually walk down the middle of my road last night. That was until another critter, probably a raccoon, snapped a branch or something, which caught Kieran's attention. And he was off. Good on him - taking off down a dark road that cars barrel down at +80km/hr at two in the morning. Like a breath of fresh air. Luckily (for me or for the dog?) he quickly returned - presumably when he realized the chase was futile.

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