Tuesday, September 23, 2008

One of These Things is Just Like the Other...

*They even have the same photo-opt pose!
One difference ~ McCain may very well have more personality

It is a statement that has validated the theory that Harper is simply the Canadian, miniaturized version of the States' Republicans: "the fundamentals of the economy are strong". This statement has been the response of both Stephen Harper and John McCain when asked about the state of the economy in their respective countries. And because there is far more media attention on the presidential election, it has only been McCain that has been ribbed for making such an outlandish statement. The fundamentals of the economy? What does that mean anyone? Regardless of what this vague statement is supposed to mean, again, it does reiterate that Harper has every intention on keeping his smarmy fish-lips planted on the Republicans arses. sigh What happened to the days of autonomy?

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